Christian Ross

A Fashionable Thursday

It’s been a minute since I’ve thrown out some new pieces. I intended to do a personal AFT of things I was gifted for Christmas but it hasn’t happened yet. To ease back into it, here’s a few random pieces that should work well for any male.

HELM Ray Ray Boots – $395

Two things I don’t have in my shoe collection at this point. Handmade in Italy and leather soles. I fully intend to remedy each. These boots absolutely rule. Dress them with a decent pair of slacks or wear them daily with your jeans. Upon purchase however, you are fully expected to also begin riding a motorcycle.

Helm Boots - Ray Ray

via HELM


Ledbury Blue Windowpane Worker (Slim Fit) – $135 | Massimo Bizzocchi brown silk tie – $65 (Gilt)

I had a blue-checked shirt at one time, but after seeing this, I’m glad I have no idea where it went. I’ve said it before, but I’m a huge fan of the spread collar and this one is a real treat. I paired it with a brown tie that is sadly sold out at this point but you could get away with something similar. (more…)

What Should a 4-Year Old Know?

I’m not sure where I stumbled across this article – What Should a 4-Year Old Know? – but it’s been in my Instapaper account for a short while now. Coincidentally, through the magic of Twitter, I was able to eavesdrop a conversation a week or two ago between a couple of buddies chatting about learning levels of children. The timing of it was spot on for things I was processing in my mind and it was interesting to see it all from the outside looking in.

Like any decent parent, I desire better things for my kids; I want them to excel in their studies, take ownership of their faith, and yes, it’d even be nice to see both of them with a tad more athleticism than I can boast of. The problem is, I regularly slide into a rut of thinking that there is a benchmark they should be exceeding when seeing other kids do certain things. (more…)

The eight90 Christmas wrap-up

A happy 2011 to you, hope your holidays were enjoyable and refreshing. A quick thank you and update to all who participated in our 2010 Giveaway promotion from eight90. Overall I had a good time with it, found it successful for how fast it came together and learned a bit about both my clients and promotions in general. I imagine we’ll do it or something similar again in 2011.

As a reminder, we attempted three different campaigns:

  • The first being for current/past clients only. If we had worked together in some form or fashion, you were automatically included.
  • The second was a “spread the word” type campaign; whether I knew you or not, if you were willing to spread the word about my services or the campaign, you were included.
  • And finally – the one I am the most excited about – was our water campaign. We set up a campaign with the organization charity:water to allow both you and I the opportunity to give back. The original goal was set for $250 which was reached in less than 8 hours of kicking off. I decided that since we reached it so quickly, I would raise the goal to make sure all had the opportunity to give. The $500 mark was met within a few days so I raised it once more to $750. In total we raised $525, served 26 people with clean water and combined with tens-of-thousands of others to collect just under $6 million dollars this holiday season.

The winners: (more…)

Gift Giving Made Easy – Wall Coverings

I originally thought about doing a general “design” type gift post but it eventually evolved into what you see here, art for your walls. Dress up your office, bedroom or any other empty wall space with some of these great pieces.

2010 Posters, Pictures, Signs and More

Click image below to enlarge
2010 Wallcoverings - Posters, Prints & Signs

1. Polaroid for Sale by Jorge Quinteros: $46 CAD
2. Tightrope City by Ryan Brinkerhoff: $12
3. Daily Drop Cap by Jessica Hische: $225
4. Colosseo by Cameron Moll: $74
5. Admiring the Manhattan Bridge by Jorge Quinteros: $46 CAD
6. Custom Replica NYC Subway Signs by Underground Signs: $300
7. Argyle Socks by Brent Couchman: $35
8. Ideapaint Dry Erase Paint: $350 for 100 sq ft