I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now but just hadn’t taken the time. Productivity is a huge word this day in age. I’m not sure if it stems from the problem that our attention spans have grown so short or the fact that we’ve filled our lives with so many distractions; but we know have thousands of resources at our fingertips to help us learn how to once again focus and block out distractions.
I am by no means immune to this conundrum. I am as easily, if not more, distracted than anybody else out there but I can say that slowly I think I am getting better at it. I’ve been blessed to work for myself now for almost five years and in that time frame I have been able to refine some of my processes over and over again to help aid my work-flow and hopefully allow me to get a little quicker/better at what I do so I can spend more time with the distractions that I really love.
The following is a list of software (both local and web-based) that I use almost daily for what I do. Of course some of it is directly related to my profession so you’ll probably have no need for a few but maybe you’ll find an item or two that might help you along as well. (more…)
If there is a definition of style, this guy has it. Every image today is of the same guy and he isn’t modeling a designer’s collection. Follow his lead.
And yes, I am about to steal the idea of a safety pin for a tie tac. Genius.
So these don’t come as quickly as I’d like but I haven’t lost interest in getting them out from time to time.
This week’s AFT is powered by Urban Outfitters. I’ve never actually purchased anything from one but could see myself spending a few dollars there if I happened to stumble into a store.
The Multi-functional Combo
These three pieces would work well for a number of occasions. You can wear them to work and not have to think twice about heading straight to dinner from there. Could be paired with slacks like you see with the jacket or jeans as well. You’ll regret the purchase if you buy the hideous plaid shirt currently under the jacket.
I’ve finally taken the time to put some of my work here on the site. Shame on me for letting it go empty for far too long. Now that the hard part is out of the way, maybe I’ll be inclined to add my work a little more regularly.
Thanks in advance if you take a minute or two to look through it. There’s some previous/next buttons in the lower left of each page. Let me know if you have/see any problems or typos. I haven’t taken the time to test it in anything other than the browser I am working in tonight. Here’s to hoping it works.
The Portfolio. Otherwise known as the pieces I’ll attach my name to.