Christian Ross


Happy New Year, AFT’ers.

We’re already starting to see spring/summer collections both in-store and online but since its below the freezing mark at my house today, we’re going to crank out some more warm weather wears.

Narrowed down AFTv8 to two designers: Gant and Tom Ford. And for the record, you aren’t going to find their collections at Wal-mart.

Gant Varsity Sweater

From the letterman’s letter to the white arm-band and over-sized collar, everything about this sweater says, “ladies, get back, I’m just one man.”

Gant Varsity Sweater - blue

via Gant

Gant Double-breasted Sport Coat

I’ve never been a double-breasted guy. Heck, I was even happy when Letterman quit sporting them. But apparently if I were a little more London Preppy I could pull it off. Whatever, it works.

Gant Double-Breasted Sport Coat

via Gant (more…)


When it’s the eve of Jesus’ birth, mama’s working and there’s a fresh two inches of powder dropped on your lawn, you find inside things to do with your two-year old.

Since he’s still in front of a screen, it may not be much better than throwing on a movie and plopping him on the couch, but we had a blast playing with Photo Booth on my MBP tonight. He’d still be sitting in front of the camera making faces if I’d let him.

We probably took 50 pictures but I’ve narrowed them down to a few that I liked. His favorite effect was the mirror camera, he liked seeing two of everything. Three through Five are great but I think Eleven is the best. It reminds me of the look he gets in his eyes when something just clicks in his brain.

I can imagine that there is more Photoboothery™ in my future. Merry Christmas.

Photoboothery | Christmas Eve 2009
Click to enlarge


I had more songs than days/time to share this season so I wrapped up a few of my favorites for you. Enjoy CreepySanta09 (80mb).

CreepySanta09 - Christmas Mix 2009

Track list:
1. Bing Crosby – Happy Holidays (Beef Wellington Remix)
2. Martin Sexton – Holly Jolly Christmas
3. Leon Redbone & Zooey Deschannel – Baby It’s Cold Outside
4. Harry Connick, Jr – Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
5. Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson – Winter Song
6. Jamie Randolph – White Christmas
7. Coldplay – 2000 Miles
8. Reliant K – I Celebrate the Day
9. Ron Sexsmith – Maybe This Christmas
10. Fiona Apple – Frosty the Snowman
11. Damien Rice & Lisa Hannigan – Silent Night
12. Death Cab for Cutie – Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
13. Rob Thomas – A New York Christmas
14. Plain White T’s – Christmas Won’t be the Same Without You
15. Jackson Browne – The Rebel Jesus
16. Tristan Prettyman & Jason Mraz – All I Want for Christmas
17. Sense Field – Happy Christmas (War is Over)
18. Lisa Loeb – Jingle Bells
19. Big Bad Voodoo Daddy – Mr. Heatmiser
20. Troy Andrews – O Holy Night

Christmas list – the leftovers

I should have started a little sooner for my Christmas in Colors because I have run myself out of time. I had a few things picked out for white, yellow and green (both color & mindset) but not enough of any of them yet for their own individual posts. So I made a casserole. Enjoy.

Of course I would be remiss without finishing out the entire series with my thoughts on the best gifts of all, the gift of giving/service to others. The second set here are all about non-profits or services/products promoting good. If you’re reading this, you’re probably in the top 5-10% of the world’s wealthiest people and have the opportunity to help out in ways that we often forget. Whether your desire to help is focused on spiritual, people or environmental, there’s something here for you. Even if you don’t have passion for any of the below that I do, I’d encourage you to find your own places to plug in and help. Strapped for cash? There’s plenty of coat drives to start, food lines to help serve and sandwiches to hand out in your neighborhood. Make it happen.

Click image below to enlargeChristmas in Technicolor

1. Antrepo City Cab Poster Set (4): $90
2. Kindle DX Wireless: $489
3. Enjoy Twice by Niels Craens
4. Manhattan Map Cuts: $340
5. Ultimate Growing System: $20
6. Klothes Kloset Oxford
7. Requiem typeface: $199
8. Typekit subscription: Free – $250/year
9. Incase Perforatted Snap Case: $30
10. Instable by Aissa Logerot



Christmas in Blue

Insert bad Elvis Blue Christmas pun here. Apparently I like blue apparel, this is slightly textile heavy.

Red. Silver. Black.

Click image below to enlarge
Christmas in Blue

1. Fossil Analog Blue Dial: $75
2. Unknown blue polka-dot scarf
3. Patagonia Lightweight Alpine Beanie: $25
4. Mission Bicycles’ Itzaboy: $750
5. Field Notes Colors (year subscription): $129
6. Handmade Web 2.0 Pillows: $20
7. Veer Kern Zip-up: $69
8. Bonobos Fundamentals: $165

PS. No pretty formatting on this one, the site is already blue.