I should have started a little sooner for my Christmas in Colors because I have run myself out of time. I had a few things picked out for white, yellow and green (both color & mindset) but not enough of any of them yet for their own individual posts. So I made a casserole. Enjoy.
Of course I would be remiss without finishing out the entire series with my thoughts on the best gifts of all, the gift of giving/service to others. The second set here are all about non-profits or services/products promoting good. If you’re reading this, you’re probably in the top 5-10% of the world’s wealthiest people and have the opportunity to help out in ways that we often forget. Whether your desire to help is focused on spiritual, people or environmental, there’s something here for you. Even if you don’t have passion for any of the below that I do, I’d encourage you to find your own places to plug in and help. Strapped for cash? There’s plenty of coat drives to start, food lines to help serve and sandwiches to hand out in your neighborhood. Make it happen.
Click image below to enlarge
1. Antrepo City Cab Poster Set (4): $90
2. Kindle DX Wireless: $489
3. Enjoy Twice by Niels Craens
4. Manhattan Map Cuts: $340
5. Ultimate Growing System: $20
6. Klothes Kloset Oxford
7. Requiem typeface: $199
8. Typekit subscription: Free – $250/year
9. Incase Perforatted Snap Case: $30
10. Instable by Aissa Logerot
Insert bad Elvis Blue Christmas pun here. Apparently I like blue apparel, this is slightly textile heavy.
Red. Silver. Black.
Click image below to enlarge

1. Fossil Analog Blue Dial: $75
2. Unknown blue polka-dot scarf
3. Patagonia Lightweight Alpine Beanie: $25
4. Mission Bicycles’ Itzaboy: $750
5. Field Notes Colors (year subscription): $129
6. Handmade Web 2.0 Pillows: $20
7. Veer Kern Zip-up: $69
8. Bonobos Fundamentals: $165
PS. No pretty formatting on this one, the site is already blue.
In human color psychology, red is associated with bravery, purity, happiness, good luck, heat, energy, and blood, and emotions that “stir the blood”, including anger, passion, love, pain, and sacrifice. In Christmas in Colors it just represents more material things you should get your hands on.
Previous: Black & Silver (more…)
And possibly a little gray. The shiny silver of gadgets to men is the same draw I imagine women have with with diamonds. Can’t. Resist. Urge. To. Buy.
If you missed it previously, Christmas in Black (more…)
There’s no shortage of “perfect gifts for 2009” around but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to throw my own two cents in the ring. To throw a spin on it, I’ve decided to organize my lists by color. I’m guessing most of it will end up being geared towards men and almost all of it would be stuff I either own or would personally buy.
I think it’d be interesting to see some others so feel free to compile your own list(s).
Christmas in Black