Christian Ross

.net v3.0 is live

As always, a day or two late is the norm.

For those of you using a feed reader, you might want to at least click on through to see the newest version of my site.

It’s late and I don’t feel like detailing a bunch of things but here just a couple of highlights:

  • Almost monochromatic color scheme with just a couple of touches of blue (#033) here and there.
  • Left-aligned with fixed position sidebars on both the left and right of the content. More to come on the right side down the road.
  • A wider content area so you will see some goofiness in older looking images/videos but new content will be adjusted accordingly
  • Font replacement for headings, titles and main navigation through Cufon. You’ll probably noticed a slight delay/change from time to time as it gets replaced. It isn’t the perfect solution but until the much awaited Typekit drops, it’s the best option.

I haven’t even thought about validating or punishing it yet, so be kind. I’ve done some browser testing: FF3/Safari 3 on Mac and IE6/7/8 & FF3 on the PC but make no guarantees that it displays perfectly on your end. IE6 users, I didn’t drop you completely as some do but I also didn’t take full care of you either. You’re going to see some funky blue rings around several places and that’s just your browser doesn’t handle transparent images. There are fixes (and I might implement) but I’m too worn down tonight. As always, you’d be better served to upgrade your browser and browsing habits.

If you see some wackiness, feel free to comment below and embarrass me in front of my friends/family or save my ego by shooting me a note.

Up next, a revamped portfolio and some links to some fresh work.

Here’s to hoping the relaunch spurs a little creativity in writing as well. Daddy needs a new pair of shoes.

It’s coming…

If you happened to stop by anytime this evening you might have gotten a sneak peek of v3.0 of my new site. It’s close, just not quite ready. A few nuts and bolts still need to be tightened and a few leaks need to be plugged, but it’s close.

Fingers crossed it’ll go live before Monday. And since you asked nicely, a quick look to whet the appetite.

Typekit, please hurry

On a scale from 1 to 10 on how excited I am to see what becomes of the soon-to-be released Typekit, I fall somewhere between 2,745 and infinity.

Typekit, in their own words (emphasis mine):

As a Typekit user, you’ll have access to our library of high-quality fonts. Just add a line of JavaScript to your markup, tell us what fonts you want to use, and then craft your pages the way you always have. Except now you’ll be able to use real fonts. This really is going to change web design.

While it won’t turn the web canvas into a sketch pad, it should offer up the ability for me to prettify the web on your computer even more. As it stands now, there are a very limited amount of ways for me to get your favorite font on the web (ie. Papyrus) without breaking copyright laws or hindering future development on your site.

It might be early, but I think I’m in love.

The Incredibles – The Chairs

We own (possibly a pirated version of) The Incredibles and I’m not ashamed to admit that I like it. The movie, not the possibility that it’s a copied version. I enjoy the movie for what it is, a well-scripted and dialogued animation from Disney Pixar.

Part of the reason I think I enjoy it over some of their other films, is the era in time the movie takes place. I like that late 40’s through early 60’s time frame. The nation was just out of war, the boys were home, and the economy started booming. It was also the time that design began playing an important role in the products purchased and used. From cars to clothing and magazines to appliances, design began its strongest influence on culture up to that point in time.

Good thing other designers have enough time on their hands to put things together like The Incredibles – The Chairs, a nice compilation of screen shots of the well-designed chairs in the film. Otherwise I’d still be stuck wondering what it was I liked about the movie so much and just couldn’t articulate it into words.

A couple below that I’d buy today if available.

The Incredibles - The Chairs Incredibles Chairs Chair from Incredibles Couch from The Incrdibles


I’m not exactly sure where to start. I’ve been sitting on this for 10 days now and the words haven’t fully developed. I’m hoping the new (free) live Coldplay album will help them start to flow.

I fully realize I run the risk of this coming off cheesy, but there are certain instances in life that won’t ever take much effort to recall. Of course the majors – wedding day, birth of children, death of loved ones, etc – will always be easily remembered, but I’m thinking in slightly less life-changing terms.

As much as I loved my truck I just parted ways with on Saturday, I can’t tell you what the license plate number was on it. Contrast that with the first vehicle I ever purchased, a red 1988.5 (yep, a half-year) Suzuki Samurai, that donned the Colorado state issued id of UEN1928.

Or there was my first attempt at plumbing, which was attempted at my shared residence/place of employment in college. And both were only spared due to the grace of God and the lucky fact that Lubbock Power & Light Services were open on a Sunday and equipped with a water main wrench. (I’ll detail this at a later date)

Fortunately for me, May 8th afforded another memory embedding. (more…)