Christian Ross

Iggy Peck, Architect

I mused my love for An Illustrated Guide a few months ago but sadly it’s been a bit neglected since then. Figured I’d steal their thunder and post one I found this week at the library for Cohen who initially didn’t want to check it out but has since requested it back-to-back-to-back on a number of occasions.

Iggy Peck, Architect

Both the illustrations and the story are good in this one. Four thumbs up (Dad and Cohen). Recommended ages 4-8.

Buy on Amazon (affiliate link):

Iggy Peck, Architect

Iggy Peck, Architect

Proud Papa

We had the fortune of visiting my grandparents this weekend to help them celebrate their 60th anniversary of marriage. They still dig each other after all these years. Impressive stuff.

While there, we were able to attend church at the congregation that my grandfather has preached at almost every Sunday for the last 40+ years. Another impressive feat. His congregation is as west-Texas rural as you can get. Their membership is doubled every time our family gets together and joins them. Great stuff all around.

The icing on the cake had to be when my uncle Thom invited my son Cohen to come up and lead some singing with him. Unfortunately, like most things, I ruined it for the most part but we were able to get him on video up there singing and swaying to one of his favorite old hymns, Heavenly Sunlight.

Four generations separated our song-leader from our preacher this past Sunday and I can’t imagine anyone more pleased than the big man upstairs. Though I’ll admit I’m a pretty close second…

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