Christian Ross

The Bloom box

Of course I’ll reserve a feet first bandwagon jump on the emerging device called The Bloom box at this point but I am curious to see where it goes. The box – about the size of a kid’s shoe box – is a fuel-cell driven, mini-power plant that is touted to be able to power your house. Wirelessly, at that. The current client list is impressive and the technology wows me but the long-term effects are yet to be determined. Can it run for more than three years? Is it a brain tumor waiting to happen?

I’ll be watching how this one progresses as well as waiting to see who will be the first to try and either buy them out or destroy it. And if somehow they get it down to $3k for a personal use box, I’ll be the first in line.

60 Minutes coverage ~ 14 minutes
(RSS readers click through to watch it)

The Art Of The Shower

Most rarely think much about the shower, usually just enough to know that they’re needed and on most days it’s worked into their routine. I’m not most people. I’m about to tick some Greens™ off… but I am all about the shower. The longer the better. In fact, even when I try for a quick one, it rarely ends in less than five minutes.

Why do I tell you all of this? Cause I’m about to rock your [shower] world. (more…)