Christian Ross

TV on the iPhone

With Apple and Adobe’s dispute over getting Flash to play on the iPhone always in full-force, it’s nice to see that somebody is smart enough to get video onto the iPhone in a different direction.

Just announced this morning is a free app from CBS called While it is still only CBS (the only thing worth watching on the eye network is Letterman) it is step in the right direction offering a number of shows from several of their networks.

Fingers crossed that NBC/Fox are working on a Hulu option.

(via Gizmodo)

I should get a free TV

For all of the liking/linking I do of Sony Bravia and their great TV ads, they should be providing me one for the trouble.

In the latest they have moved away from the ‘Colour like no other’ to showing off the smoothest motion picture possible on a TV. In doing so they built the world’s largest (Guiness verified) Zoetrope. Think 1800’s, carousel viewers.

Another home run for Sony.

(via Creative Review)
