Yes, please
Beautiful craftsmanship in these laptop cases. No price listed which probably means they’re as much as the MBP that fits inside.
Beautiful craftsmanship in these laptop cases. No price listed which probably means they’re as much as the MBP that fits inside.
Nicholas Feltron is the creator of Daytum – the home of collecting and communicating your daily data. A service to which I have no invite to as of yet but I hope to gain invitation in the near future.
For the last several years he has tracked everything from mileage walked to food eaten during the year and then published a high quality report about it all. Pretty interesting stuff. Useless I suppose, but interesting nevertheless.
I wear contacts daily and glasses in the evening when my eyes wear out for the day. I can see without them but I wouldn’t say it would be the safest for me to operate a vehicle or similar machinery sans lenses.
For some reason, as a kid (and as an adult, I suppose) one of the things that seemed to always choke me up a little was when I saw a young person whose glasses got broken or were “mended” somehow. Not exactly sure why, but I assume it had to do something with knowing how much glasses cost and the fact that I didn’t grow up in the most affluent of areas.
Seeing clearly is one of the things we take completely for granted and one of the reasons I stretch the life of my contacts far longer than the doctor/box recommend. I am fortunate enough to be in the position to afford to see things as they are but know worldwide there are many who cannot claim the same. Which is why the following article caught my attention this afternoon: (more…)
Thankfully, not being employed by corporate America resolves most of my dealings with long meetings. If it did, I would invest in some of the following.
The Secret of Efficient Meetings
Nice list from Jeffrey Zeldman. Dealt with a few of them before but #2 is far and away the funniest thing on the list:
Client shows you around the factory, introducing you to all his employees. Then, behind closed doors, tells you: “If you do a bad job with this website, I’m going to have to let these people go.”
Comical, but sad in the fact that some feel like this is a business model that works. The “if you build it, they will come” mentality in business is a scary slope to be on, IMO. Just because you pay me to build you a pretty website, it doesn’t guarantee that your numbers will go up. It takes commitment, work, monitoring, tweaking and constant re-evaluation.
Note: Sometimes I finish writing something and realize the old saying – when you point your finger, there’s three pointing back at you – can sting pretty bad.