We just took a weekend getaway to see some family and the sights of San Antonio which gave me a good time to do a little testing out of the new VSCO Camera. All photo editing was done post-trip so as to try and be in-the-moment with the family as much as possible. Here are a few of my favorites from our outings around the city and the Hill Country between here and there.


Chevrolet with pinstripes.



Urban falls.

Canyon Lake, TX.
If you’re not following the Pictory showcases, you’re missing out. Laura Brunow Miner has done a fantastic job (now 20 times over) of taking a theme and curating user-submitted photos around it. Each one is top notch.
A few months ago as I was browsing the site, I noticed that she was taking submissions for an upcoming showcase called, Everything’s Bigger in Texas. While I wouldn’t consider myself a photographer, I’ve taken a few shots here and there of the state that I reside in.
One that’s always stuck out in my mind came from a night of goofing off in South Padre a few years back when I was really just playing around with my camera. I was down there doing some work but sadly the family couldn’t make it for the trip. Instead of just sitting in my room watching TV, I grabbed my camera and just drove around town at dusk seeing what I could come up with. I ended up with several that I liked but none really more than the following:

It was a nice surprise to get an email today from Laura saying that my shot had been picked for the showcase. As I was able to dive in and see the rest of the images included, I can readily admit there are some great shots and great photographers – kudos to all who participated, I have much to learn of your shutter-related techniques! Also props to Mr. Tim Van Damme for his nice work on the editorial design.