Christian Ross

Layman’s Moments

My uncle Stan is somewhat of a renaissance man, he impresses me with any number of skills but his ability to survive as the only male in a house with four women has to be near the top. I’ve always known he was a great writer and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that some of my voice/stylings didn’t come from reading him.

We, as family members, were lucky enough to be able to read his musings from time-to-time but I’m glad that he’s finally decided that he’s willing to share it on a bit larger scale now.

If you grew up in the church, you will find plenty to identify with but even if you didn’t, I’ve got a feeling you’ll dig it as well.

I’d recommend subscribing to it so you don’t miss out on gems like this:

I grew up in a family of preachers. You couldn’t swing an offering plate in my house without hitting a man of the cloth. I knew early on that I was going to bring down the average of preachers in our family by quite a bit because I just didn’t have the gift.

I remember the first time I was called on to say a prayer in front of the whole church. It went something like this: ‚ÄúGod uh‚Ķbless uuuuhhhh…merica, ‚Äòtis of thee‚Ķ.unto the republic‚Ķuh‚Ķ(faster) guard, guide and direct us, Amen‚Äù. I threw that part about guard, guide and direct us in because it was always said in other people’s prayers so I knew I had to say it for my prayer to be official.

Needless to say, I tried to stay as far away from the pulpit as possible.

I’m really looking forward to see what he churns out; my only hope is that I can get him off of the Blogger platform as soon as possible.