Christian Ross

2011 Collab-mas List

In lieu of giving you 20-30 products that I think are cool, this year I chose to go a different route and reach out to a few that I connect regularly with to have them help curate a list of potential gifts for us, you, or the ones you might be buying for.

I gave them no constraints on what to pick but I did make sure to get a couple of ladies in the mix just to get that perspective. Some of the things on the list you could pick up today and some of them you’ll probably have to wait a little longer before acquiring due to budgetary constraints. I had a good time compiling; I think the participants had a good time collecting; and I hope that you’ll have a good time reading through the list.

See anything we missed? Let me know here or on Twitter. Spread the word.

2011 Collab-mas List – A collaborated Christmas list by Christian Ross & Friends

*If you’re an IE user, it’s not that I don’t dislike you, but you’re gonna have to be happy with what you get. It ain’t pretty but I’ve got other things to get done today.