Christian Ross


Unit Interactive out of Plano just launched a pretty nifty tool today called Unify that offers the ability for me to take your static HTML website and give you some functionality into editing it down the road. For the cost of some tacos plus my hourly rate to install, you could be rocking the updates on your own site in no time at all.

This isn’t the first system to market in this light CMS category but it certainly easier for me to translate than having to figure out how much 35 Euros would cost me.

At first this seems like it could put a hurt in my business but really after studying them a little more, they are just what they say, a lightweight inline editor. It still doesn’t give you full control over your site like a WordPress or CompleteSite can but in a pinch and a very small budget it might do the trick.

Congrats and thanks to Andy and the Unit crew on the launch of a nice little tool to add to the arsenal.

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