Christian Ross

Christmas Music – Day 3

Looking for those special tracks to spend a nice evening with your significant other in front of the tree? Welcome to the Jazz/classic portion of our album; including one of my most all-time favorite Christmas tracks by trumpet player Troy Andrews. All instrumental and probably best played last in the evening if you know what’s good for you.

1. Troy Andrews – O Holy Night


2. Ella Fitzgerald – Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer


3.The Drifters – White Christmas


4. Frank Sinatra – The Christmas Song


5. Michael Buble – I’ll Be Home For Christmas


6. Ray Charles – Santa Claus is Coming To Town



Download individual tracks above or get all 6 at once here: CreepySanta2010 Jazz

Grab the RSS feed. Follow along on Twitter. Spread the word.

2010 Christmas Giveaway

The short: I’m running 3 Giveaways for the next two weeks. One for clients, one for everyone and one for you to give something away as well. Here’s the official announcement.

The long: I’ve detailed it all a bit more below. If you’re not a client, here’s where you can get the details on how to participate:

Giveaway #1 – Open To Clients (Amazon Kindle)

This year I wanted to do something extra than just the typical thank you email/cards for my clients. I decided to go the route of a little giveaway that would automatically include all of my clients over the last five years of doing business. It’s a bummer that I’m not in a position yet to give all of my clients a shiny new toy at the end of the year but I hope the gesture is well-received and that it plays a small part in a renewed desire to continue this working relationship in 2011.

Giveaway #2 – Open To All (Apple TV)

But I decided that I didn’t want to stop there. I wanted a second opportunity for those who I haven’t partnered with yet to think about the possibility in the near future. Or at least give them enough ammo and desire to spread the word about what I do.

My second giveaway is familiar in the sense that’s it has been done before many times in the form of “retweet this to win.” But while I do want you tweeting about me and my services to win, I would much rather have it be in your own words rather than just a simple RT.

My intentions are transparent, I hope to gain exposure for what I do with the goal of increasing my visibility/hire-ability for 2011.

  • If you don’t know me, you’re welcome to participate. If you’re on Twitter, follow me and spread the news about the giveaway. You really have no idea about my work or what I do but as you follow along down the road I would hope that it becomes clear and my skills are useful to you or someone you know.
  • If you do know me and a little about what I do, tell your friends. Twitter, Facebook, your blog, email, telephone, I’m good with any of it.
  • If you need a little reminder, here’s some of my specialties: web design/development, content writing & strategy, marketing for small businesses and I’ll even dabble in a little social media and SEO if needed.

To enter, spread the word and get in touch with me here or on Twitter to let me know that you participated. I’ll take your word for it.

Giveaway #3 – Giving It Away

Finally, I didn’t want this entire thing to be only about a contest for shiny new presents and a boosting of my ego. There are many options and ways to give back to those in need; one that makes is amazingly simple and is a cause that has really grabbed me this year is charity:water. While their concept isn’t new, this was the easiest route I could find to create a joint venture between you and I.

If you’re reading this, you’re more than likely a truly blessed person. I hope that you can see the importance of being a blessing to others.

I’ve created a small campaign with charity:water and I’d love if you decided to help out. Donating doesn’t up your chances in either of the categories above but I guarantee it will warm your heart for much longer than a new toy will.

2010 eight90 Charity Water Campaign

If you’ve made it this far, Merry Christmas and thanks for playing.

Christmas Music – Day 2

Let’s build out our CreepySanta2010 album a little further, today’s tracks come courtesy of my foot as it taps. Let loose and dance a little. Or crank it up and watch your little ones do a little jig of their own.

Note: There’s a high possibility that I drop a 5th track through the Twitter today. You should follow along or at least swing by to pick it up. Also, don’t forget Day 1.

1. Brighten (ft. The Maine) – Merry Christmas Baby


2. Sufjan Stevens – Put the Lights on the Tree


3. Bing Crosby (Beef Wellington remix) – Happy Holidays


4. Gatsby’s American Dream – Christmas Time is Here



Grab the RSS feed. Follow along on Twitter. Spread the word.

Christmas Music 2010

Creepy Santa 2010It’s still early enough in the holiday season that you shouldn’t be tired of Christmas music yet. I’ve actually been spinning Christmas tracks now for a few weeks trying to sort through what I have and what you might like to hear.

If you were around my Internet neighborhood last year then you probably know that I have a decent collection of Christmas music and attempted to share some of it with you. If you and I were not connected by the Internets last year, then you missed out on the single greatest event in the history of mankind. Sorry. Lucky for you, we’ll try and recreate it this year.

With a little pre-planning already done, my goal is to keep you supplied with some music for your collection that will hopefully give you something other than the Chipmunks or David Archuleta for your listening pleasure. If you have the be-boppinist, toe-tappinest, do-wop of a track that you’d like to share, get in touch.

To catch the newbies up, this first couple of posts are just some highlights of things missed in 2009.

To listen on the site, hit the play button. To download the track to your own computer, right-click each title and choose “Save Link As” or “Save Target As” to download. (more…)

I’m Thankful

It’s that time of year again, my second annual list of random things I’m thankful for. Here, in no particular order and by no means an exhaustive list, are some of the things I am thankful for this year:

God, Jesus, Melanie, Cohen, Keegan, mia famiglia, Vitesse, Chipotle, reliable transportation, two-teeth smiles, A Fashionable Thursday, Instapaper, Modern Family, Dinner at the table, Dribbble, portable DVD players, Baylor Medical Center (Irving & Grapevine), welding, nebulizers, setting my own hours, plastic baseball bats and balls, hand-drawn type, automatic watering timers, MailChimp, Ben Sherman, people I’ve only met on the Internet, Netflix, good laughs, Tweetie, grilling, the means to travel and the desire to stay close to home, Ego app, the right to vote, Art Direction plugin, babysitters, Toggl, My wife’s Thursday night food adventures, that skipping a meal doesn’t do long term damages to kids, Transmit, wood, kids books, music, Gowalla, Banana Republic, people who put others first, Dave, CompleteSite, Mad Men, iPad, GOOD, pictures, Starbucks, people I’ve met because of the Internet, mix tapes, Woopra, referrals, the library, Fireworks, Instagram, full-teeth smiles, downtown Grapevine, Christmas trees, Square, Mision Para Cristo, Tumblr, talk radio, Amazon, Fusion Ads, Goodnight Moon, headphones, TOMS, iPhone, freedom, Reeder, Whataburger, SlideRocket, football, matching shirts, WordPress, discovery of flight, Simplenote, radio controls on my steering wheel, Apple, illustrators, J Crew, HOW, toys, quiet times, Buon Giorno, Vimeo, New Balance shoes, modern medicine, Twitter, Sausilito, people I’ve met in spite of the Internet, Sprout TV, Sprout Farmer’s Market, those who serve, poker, steel manufacturing & custom fabrication, Google, Christmas music, our Church, Woody & Buzz, the Internet, baseball, letterpresses, Wufoo, iChat, coat drives, Skype, logo designers, gardening, good design, clients, Grace, and of course, you.