We aren’t moving, but I feel like my work-life is. This is my new toy:

Hopefully to become less and less of a toy and more of a tool over the next couple of weeks. It’s beautiful both in form and function. But it’s not a PC.
Everything I know about computers is about to change. So much so that I will have to do it slowly. I have a new 15-inch MacBook Pro but have already loaded Windows on to it. I had to. For my sanity and my budget.
My sanity will be saved when I just get caught up in the inevitable ‘I know just how to make this work on Windows,’ and my budget was saved in the way that I already have Windows versions of the software that Adobe is willing to sell me for $1700 for my new Mac.
Slowly over time, I hope to move a larger percentage of work time away from the PC. Right now I would probably guess the ratio of my work will be 85/15 PC to Mac. As I get more comfortable (and as my budget allows), I hope to get those numbers closer to 50/50 and then possibly even 25/75 PC to Mac. There are a few things that will only run on Windows so I will probably never be able to fully rid myself of it.
So, for the next couple of weeks, I am moving. Files. Emails. Bookmarks. Music. Pictures. Videos. Plugins. Software. And I am meeting my new neighbors. FTP clients. ZIP extractors. Clocks. Red, Yellow, and Green buttons. Title bars that don’t expand a window on double-click. Programs that don’t actually close when you hit the Red close button. Keystrokes. Entourage. Virtual Machines. Widgets. Dashboards. Text Editors. Hi neighbors, I’m the new guy. Please be kind.
Here’s to new adventures and a good riddance of BSOD (blue screens of death).
My name is Christian, and I made the switch.
Do you remember that old video game called Lemmings?
Are you asking in reference to the actual game Lemmings?
Or are you referencing the blind following similar to the habits of the small furry creature?
Cause if it’s truly about the video game then, no.
The blind following the blind