I guess this is as good a place as any
…to let you know all about our new news. With so many people to call/email, we just figured this would be a good way to tell everyone at once. I say everyone, but in all honesty some already do know. Please don’t get upset if this is the way that you find out, our intentions were to tell everyone at the same time but in conversations with some we just let it slip out.
Before I make the big announcement, just a couple of things. Yes, we are super-excited. Yes, you are all more than welcome to visit whenever you’d like. We have a spare bedroom and will even try to find a bed for it if you give us enough notice.
Without further ado…
…we have gone Hi-Def!

Aspen, it’s your turn to tell some news. Even after the denial, I still have my money on baby news.
HAHAHA! I am sorry to say that everyone will be sadly disappointed. If I would have even thought everyone would automatically “go there” I wouldn’t have even mentioned it. The news is rather boring actually…some may not even consider it news. HA, jokes all on you.