Christian Ross

Dear Iran,

You suck at Photoshop. And possibly missile shooting.

First released photo of missile launch from Iran state media:
Iran sucks at Photoshop

Real image:
Iran sucks at Photoshop

Markup of their poor computer skills (cloned sections circled in red):
Iran sucks at Photoshop and missile shooting.

There are some fantastic Photoshop tutorials online by a guy named Donnie Hoyle. Highly NSFW (language) but informative and comedic. I’ll skip linking to them but they can be found easily on YouTube. Iran, please take the time to locate and learn.


christian ross

One response to “Dear Iran,”

  1. Mom says:

    You are so funny! I still think you could write a book – just title it “letters to people and places,” you already have a bunch started!

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