Christian Ross

Nice to meet you, anyways…

My laptop screen is dying. There is an entire website devoted to it: Dell Vertical Line It has been coming on for a while. Just like most others on that site, it started with one cyan line. Now it’s just ugly. I took some pictures of it but haven’t looked at them yet. If they turn out well enough to were you can see it, I will upload them.

So now here is my dilemma. Do I pay $250 to buy one on ebay in hopes that it doesn’t do the same? Do I pay Dell some $500 dollars to replace it and hope that they have upgraded their screens by now? Or do I blow all of our diaper money for the next two years on this thing of beauty.

Edit: Apparently, Dell has taken notice of the growing problem. They have blogged about it and have decided to fix the problem for certain affected models. Pray that mine will be included, and that their customer response time is a little better than the complaints they have received in their comments section.

Edit #2: Pictures. In some of them you can see the lines, It is hard to tell what it is doing now from any of the shots. It flickers quite a bit and it is pretty messed up from the lines to the right edge of the screen. (In case you wanted to know)

2 responses to “Nice to meet you, anyways…”

  1. Aspen says:

    Well, that is annoying. So will you be making the switch to Apple?

  2. Neil says:


    I’m at Dell Headquarters in Round Rock and I just came across this post. I can’t quite make out which model that laptop is from the photos but I can see from the Intel sticker that it’s not a 1501. If you post the model or email me the service tag I’ll see if it’s an affected model and check the status of its contract.

    I liked the post about your lawn issue. My friends have given me a lot of grief for being an able-bodied 28 year old that just outsourced his lawn mowing so that made me feel better.

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