I’m Thankful
Idea stolen from @blankenship.
In no particular order, the things I am thankful for this year:
my wife, my kid, my second kid, family, toggl, eating out, cookie monster diapers, muxtapes, station wagons, iChat, Pei Wei, WordPress, friends, Adobe, Twitter, the enjoyment on Cohen’s face when reading books, presentation inspiration, Gotham Bold, our yellow house with a (now) solid foundation, ESPN, abc’s spoken by two-year olds, Banana Republic, QuadCamera, clients, Monday & Wednesday afternoons, Canadian dotcomrades (and a few American ones too), Woopra, the American version of The Office, skype, Helvetica, iTunes, YouVersion, A Fashionable Thursdays, Jesus, the sound my kid makes when eating an apple, Apple, El Taco H, Art Direction plugin, the Internet, Sunday afternoon naps, NYC, decent cooking skills, flickr, Woody & Buzz, J. Crew, our Church, McDonald’s, taking laps around the mall with the family, Netflix, The Sartorialist, Akismet, quality ties, Vimeo, Chipotle, slab-serifs, Tumblr, iPhones, ?ºber–talented web designers, the means to fix our house, Instapaper, Chick-Fil-A, Mad Men, GAP, 960gs, Clarendon, grillmaster abilities, Google, TiltShift Generator, Nicaragua, RSS, health, insurance, music, working from home, the library, Frank Sinatra, service men/women, rarely having to do the dishes, being able to do the dishes sometimes so I feel like I am being helpful, Starbucks, Tweetie, MAMP, Delicious, freedom, moderate amounts of Christmas music, FireFox, fried turkeys, and of course, you.
Yeah that pretty much sums it up for me, minus a few specific details… I think I will just link to your article 😉
Awwww! Me, really? I’m blushing.
[…] that time of year again, my second annual list of random things I’m thankful for. Here, in no particular order and by no means an […]